I love this game but not for the Mid-2012 13” MBP
This is a pretty hilariously bad game, but that is what makes it fun. However, I have to rate it down on the mac. EDIT: Since last reviewing this as a 1-star app, I rated it up to 3 because it suddenly decided to start working. Since then, the game still crashes but much less frequently. The game still has some big flaws on the Mid-2012 13” MBP (that I’ve found). The game is not known for running smoothly on any platform, but there are points in the game where there are so many AI in the area that it makes the game extremely laggy. It gets to the point where the game basically freezes, but will subside after waiting long enough (anywhere between 10 seconds and 1 minute in some cases). Meanwhile the sound will blip in and out to let you know that the game hasnt completely frozen. Even near the lowest graphics settings, the game cannot perform well on the macbook. It has also caused my keyboard to become uncomfortably hot, especially while charging. Overall… I like the game, it’s playable, but the play experience is “meh” at best.
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Darkest of Days